My philosophy is to hold students to high academic, personal, & spiritual standards. I will continuously raise the bar in the classroom and create an atmosphere of safety and confidence where they are encouraged to be there for each other as positive role models and character builders.
I hope to create a climate of care and kindness where everyone is able to express their thoughts without fear of failure or rejection. It would be better to say something and raise further questions than to keep their mouth closed.
I want to take each day as an opportunity for new beginnings and fresh starts. If the previous day wasn't great, I want my students to know that every morning is a chance to try again.
I want to be able to lead in a way the shows parents I am confident in my position as a leader but also someone who will listen to their needs and concerns. I will treat each individual as just that - individual.
As the curriculum is a guide, I will use my creative teaching to assist in learning abilities across the board. I desire to motivate students to create goals for themselves and help each other reach those goals as responsible citizens of the classroom, community, and church.
I will keep checking to see how they are doing and how they feel about their progress in school by asking direct questions and giving out surveys and reports about their accomplishments in class.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Great Books
The Anatomy of Peace - The Arbinger Institute
A book about resolving the heart of conflict (Leadership & Self-Deception)
The New Principal's Fieldbook - Pam Robbins, Harvey Alvy
Strategies for Success
What Successful Principals Do! - Franzy Fleck
169 Tips for Principals
The Secret - Chik-fil-A
Principle Centered Leadership - Stephen Covey
Little Red Book of Wisdom - Mark DeMoss
Servant Leadership - Robert Greenleaf
All I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten - Robert Fulgem
Love Works - Joel Mamby
9 Traits of Leadership 1 Corinthians 13
The Fabric of Faithfulness - Steven Garber
This I believe I & II - Jay Allison
Effective Supervision - Robert Marzano
Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell
Contrarians Guide - Steve Sample
Free Thinking
Spiritual Reflection
This is an excerpt from the Steps to Christ book we all know and love. As I listen to the words I am drawn in to the light that leads me to the feet of our Blessed Savior. The fact that our Creator wants to have a relationship with us who are mere sinners is astounding and beautiful.
The Lord gives us Peace & Hope to help us in our daily work. He sheds new light on our circumstances each day with a fresh sense of his love. It is never ending. It is surprising and delicious! He knows when to play a song or give our child an "aha" moment to confirm the love he has for us. Not only that, he gave us his son Jesus Christ who was perfect and without blame. Jesus left the heavens where the angels adored him and loved him so much and he traded it for us sinners who hated him and mocked him and spit at him! He was traded, denied, flogged, and murdered for what? What was the reason?
You. Me. Our children. All it took was one. Only one believer was necessary for him to make that choice a valid one.
Of course he chose us! He made us!
When our children look at us like we just stepped off the Titanic and we're a couple fries short of a Happy Meal may we not forget that feeling God must have for us considering our need for Christ.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Pearl Collection
Beginning the School Year
Build positive relationships by smiling earnestly
Communicate your vision with newsletters home
Unite employees with a mission statement compiled as a group
Share work expectations with staff letting them know you're there to help
Turn off cell phones and focus on your job
Be on time and communicate
Dress professionally every day and take a minute to ask yourself if you look that way
Smile, smile, smile (fake it til you make it)
Know everybody's first name and car
No surprises unless it's a good one
Write weekly staff newsletter to give updates on events and reminders
Call parents with good news early so they can let their kids know how proud they are
Encourage input from staff, students, parents, & community
Learn what parents and students want out of their experience in your school
Organize a welcome committee to throw a party to start off a great year
Motivate kids to study for baptism
Encourage teachers to have daily worships on their own
Encourage family involvement at school
Communicate with parents to have their involvement at school
Encourage concerned parents to meet with staff
Keep parents happy for when their needs are met (when possible) they will feel heard
Promote patriotism and show honor to the country by pledging to the flag at events
Pray often
Make home visits when possible to as many homes as you can during the year
During the Year
Have regular conversations with your staff both personal and professional
Use written and verbal communication with employees and parents to keep them informed
Eye contact shows them you are listening
Use correct grammar and professional vocabulary
Don't talk when someone else is talking during a meeting or presentation
Approve memos to parents and remind teachers to tell you when events are occurring in their class
Respect everyone young and old
Overdeliver and visit classrooms frequently
Stay calm and positive
Don't rush a decision and pray about your options
Don't make decisions to keep friends but be careful not to make them based on those options
Build allies rather than competing without purpose
Learn to collaborate and take advice from others building your own personalized responses to situations
A deal is a deal if you said you're doing something for someone, hold yourself accountable
Be consistent
Check lesson plans to be sure teachers are staying on course in curriculum development
Be fair to everyone
File ideas on Pinterest with virtual idea boards to keep them organized
Learn to compromise
Use e-mail to save time and keep in contact with others
Know when to help and when to wait until asked to help
Limit classroom interruptions
Send cards to staff (i.e. birthdays, sympathy, encouragement)
Treat your school secretary well
Schedule regular classroom visits and let the students and teachers know you care by seeing you
Keep the building and fields clean and tidy for you never know who may be looking in
Have family night activities so families can get to know each other throughout the school-year
Get involved with sister schools and have events together for a common good (charity, game nights)
Display student work in the community demonstrating their accomplishments bring pride to school
Don't gossip or listen to gossip but encourage positive conversations or setup a meeting if necessary
Admit mistakes
Ending the school year
Let staff know evaluation will include commendations and recommendations
Become results oriented
Don't hold grudges for we all make mistakes and need fresh starts
Delegate responsibility when possible to secretary
Make changes when necessary and learn from them
Avoid conflicts and pick the battles that mean enough to win otherwise agree to disagree
Monitor spending of teachers and staff and be sure they don't overspend
Spend time focused on staff and have their families over for dinner
Make safety a priority
Make job applicants feel special
Hire the best available
Don't be insecure but show confidence without being cocky
Read a lot of instructional books
Teach others
Share personal experiences
Don't just hear but listen
Be an instructional leader by empowering knowledge of the curriculum in your own mind
Be a nurturing leader who can be trusted with sensitive information and a shoulder to cry on
Recognize staff accomplishments and acknowledge them to the others at school
Use tact when reprimanding staff by keeping it private and kind but firm
Document negative actions of staff in case things go awry and it is needed for the safety of the school
Network and let the community know your needs so they might support your school
Help others succeed whenever possible
Allow university students to work in the classroom
Remind the Ed Dept to inform them to come visit often
Keep the school actively involved in community events
Inspire kids to get involved in sports programs outside of school
Incorporate culture of community into the school
Setup a committee to plan a farewell party
Make sure graduates are involved and remind them they are leaders who assist in culture of school
Record mistakes and lessons learned
Give feedback to staff on how they're doing and what changes could be made if necessary
Think about how decisions will affect the school
Develop a parent report card with a checklist that pinpoints their involvement in communication, etc.
See the school through a parents eyes and try to focus on the children as if they were your own
Just a few things to think about. Read: What Successful Principals Do! By Franzy Fleck
Build positive relationships by smiling earnestly
Communicate your vision with newsletters home
Unite employees with a mission statement compiled as a group
Share work expectations with staff letting them know you're there to help
Turn off cell phones and focus on your job
Be on time and communicate
Dress professionally every day and take a minute to ask yourself if you look that way
Smile, smile, smile (fake it til you make it)
Know everybody's first name and car
No surprises unless it's a good one
Write weekly staff newsletter to give updates on events and reminders
Call parents with good news early so they can let their kids know how proud they are
Encourage input from staff, students, parents, & community
Learn what parents and students want out of their experience in your school
Organize a welcome committee to throw a party to start off a great year
Motivate kids to study for baptism
Encourage teachers to have daily worships on their own
Encourage family involvement at school
Communicate with parents to have their involvement at school
Encourage concerned parents to meet with staff
Keep parents happy for when their needs are met (when possible) they will feel heard
Promote patriotism and show honor to the country by pledging to the flag at events
Pray often
Make home visits when possible to as many homes as you can during the year
During the Year
Have regular conversations with your staff both personal and professional
Use written and verbal communication with employees and parents to keep them informed
Eye contact shows them you are listening
Use correct grammar and professional vocabulary
Don't talk when someone else is talking during a meeting or presentation
Approve memos to parents and remind teachers to tell you when events are occurring in their class
Respect everyone young and old
Overdeliver and visit classrooms frequently
Stay calm and positive
Don't rush a decision and pray about your options
Don't make decisions to keep friends but be careful not to make them based on those options
Build allies rather than competing without purpose
Learn to collaborate and take advice from others building your own personalized responses to situations
A deal is a deal if you said you're doing something for someone, hold yourself accountable
Be consistent
Check lesson plans to be sure teachers are staying on course in curriculum development
Be fair to everyone
File ideas on Pinterest with virtual idea boards to keep them organized
Learn to compromise
Use e-mail to save time and keep in contact with others
Know when to help and when to wait until asked to help
Limit classroom interruptions
Send cards to staff (i.e. birthdays, sympathy, encouragement)
Treat your school secretary well
Schedule regular classroom visits and let the students and teachers know you care by seeing you
Keep the building and fields clean and tidy for you never know who may be looking in
Have family night activities so families can get to know each other throughout the school-year
Get involved with sister schools and have events together for a common good (charity, game nights)
Display student work in the community demonstrating their accomplishments bring pride to school
Don't gossip or listen to gossip but encourage positive conversations or setup a meeting if necessary
Admit mistakes
Ending the school year
Let staff know evaluation will include commendations and recommendations
Become results oriented
Don't hold grudges for we all make mistakes and need fresh starts
Delegate responsibility when possible to secretary
Make changes when necessary and learn from them
Avoid conflicts and pick the battles that mean enough to win otherwise agree to disagree
Monitor spending of teachers and staff and be sure they don't overspend
Spend time focused on staff and have their families over for dinner
Make safety a priority
Make job applicants feel special
Hire the best available
Don't be insecure but show confidence without being cocky
Read a lot of instructional books
Teach others
Share personal experiences
Don't just hear but listen
Be an instructional leader by empowering knowledge of the curriculum in your own mind
Be a nurturing leader who can be trusted with sensitive information and a shoulder to cry on
Recognize staff accomplishments and acknowledge them to the others at school
Use tact when reprimanding staff by keeping it private and kind but firm
Document negative actions of staff in case things go awry and it is needed for the safety of the school
Network and let the community know your needs so they might support your school
Help others succeed whenever possible
Allow university students to work in the classroom
Remind the Ed Dept to inform them to come visit often
Keep the school actively involved in community events
Inspire kids to get involved in sports programs outside of school
Incorporate culture of community into the school
Setup a committee to plan a farewell party
Make sure graduates are involved and remind them they are leaders who assist in culture of school
Record mistakes and lessons learned
Give feedback to staff on how they're doing and what changes could be made if necessary
Think about how decisions will affect the school
Develop a parent report card with a checklist that pinpoints their involvement in communication, etc.
See the school through a parents eyes and try to focus on the children as if they were your own
Just a few things to think about. Read: What Successful Principals Do! By Franzy Fleck
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Training for Emergencies
This is a test. It is very specific and quite thorough! I'm surprised and pleased and overwhelmed. I think I'll have to take the test tomorrow. Too many words are becoming blurry...
This is a test. It is very specific and quite thorough! I'm surprised and pleased and overwhelmed. I think I'll have to take the test tomorrow. Too many words are becoming blurry...
Thursday, June 21, 2012
as you may know, I'm a fan of the virtual dream boards
let me know if you need an invite!
*every teacher has to check it out*
let me know if you need an invite!
*every teacher has to check it out*
Miscellaneous Items
Please feel free to use this space for questions, comments, or additional advice you may have for me! Thanks for taking the time to check out a part of my life I hold near and dear to my heart.
School Family Prayer Requests
Please feel free to make your prayer requests known and we as a staff will pray daily over the list during our morning worship and throughout the day. God bless you!
Roles of the Principal
School Leader:
A school principal is the primary leader in the building who
must be positive, enthusiastic, energetic, creative, caring, kind, and have
action going on each day’s activities. They should be god listeners and know
when to talk and when to be silent showing they aren’t just hearing what
another person says but that they actually understand where they’re coming
Student Discipline:
A great portion of the principal’s job is to handle
discipline with students. The first step is to make sure you communicate to the
teachers that they must do what they can with the student in their classroom
before you are involved. Once they understand that, it will be much easier to
attain the steps necessary. Most of the discipline comes for teacher referrals.
Sometimes it takes a while to find a proper punishment for the specific act but
it’s important to have a foundation established for the basics in a school
bulletin for parents, teachers, and students to review before school starts.
Teacher Evaluations:
The principal is there to make sure the teachers stay at the
best of their “game” in the classroom and are constantly working to improve
their knowledge in the classroom. A good principal motivates and affirms the
teachers with constructive ideas towards higher success. It’s important for the
principal to spend as much time around school and in the classrooms as
possible. It may not happen every class period but it’s important to make
frequent visits letting teachers know you’re available for viewing activities
or discussion more of the time than not. It lets the kids know you’re
approachable too!
Develop, Implement, & Evaluate Programs:
Creating programs for your school is vital to keep
motivating improvement on all counts. A principal should develop effective
programs that cover a variety of areas and interests. Make sure the programs
fit the culture of your school. Don’t be afraid to tweak things if needed!
Schedule Setting:
Principals are there to oversee the task of creating the
yearly schedule. It’s a bit overwhelming to make sure everything fits into its
proper place but involving other staff in the process can help for cross
checking and balance. Delegate, delegate, delegate! It’s impossible to please
everyone but do your best to accommodate as many as possible with at least a
few of their requests. It’s best to be open to making adjustments when the year
begins as needed. Sometimes there are conflicts you may not be able to foresee.
Hiring New Teachers:
A crucial part of the administrations job is to hire and
fire teachers. Hiring is intended to place someone who they believe will fit
well in the culture of your school. If you choose too quickly, there may be
issues that make you wish you had been more careful. If you find the right
person, typically your job will be easier. J
The interview process is one that you’ll need to have a committee or board
available for so you all may ask the right questions. You’ll more than likely
know what those questions should be.
Overall, make sure you are a communicator and leader who
people feel comfortable talking to or meeting with but aren’t going to walk all
over you. Be someone courageous and tactful. Be someone who can show wisdom
without flaunting it. In the end, you’ll likely be thankful to have had the
opportunity to make such an impact on the school and community.
1. By the end of the 2nd Quarter I would like to see smoothly running family groups reinstated in school. This will assist in older students learning leadership abilities and younger kids with listening skills and respect. Students will treat each other with kindness. The hallways will be a place of comfort rather than fear and the classrooms warm and positive.
2. I will create a charity that will contribute a percentage to our school and a percentage to the charity of our choice. This will hopefully motivate teachers to come up with personal charities with their classes each year and perhaps benefits our school finances as well.
3. I hope to motivate students to live more health-consciously so they can enjoy their learning experiences rather than dread them. I plan to have daily morning exercise in the gym or out on the field every day before school begins. We will do warm up stretching, active song movements, cool-down, and morning announcements with healthy tips for the day. Kids will have higher energy levels and their classroom focus will be heightened.
4. I will take a great stand against bullying at school. There will be awareness created with documentary introductions, guest speakers, FiNDING KiND, and interactive bulletin boards near the school entry. Students will be able to inspire each other when bullying starts creeping in and they'll hold tools towards stopping it successfully.
2. I will create a charity that will contribute a percentage to our school and a percentage to the charity of our choice. This will hopefully motivate teachers to come up with personal charities with their classes each year and perhaps benefits our school finances as well.
3. I hope to motivate students to live more health-consciously so they can enjoy their learning experiences rather than dread them. I plan to have daily morning exercise in the gym or out on the field every day before school begins. We will do warm up stretching, active song movements, cool-down, and morning announcements with healthy tips for the day. Kids will have higher energy levels and their classroom focus will be heightened.
4. I will take a great stand against bullying at school. There will be awareness created with documentary introductions, guest speakers, FiNDING KiND, and interactive bulletin boards near the school entry. Students will be able to inspire each other when bullying starts creeping in and they'll hold tools towards stopping it successfully.
Defining Statement of Leadership
Sometimes greatness is born within us and sometimes greatness is thrust upon us.
Jake wanted me to apply for full-time teaching jobs long before I graduated with a degree in teaching. He was so supportive of this career-oriented "wifestyle" and I wasn't much for disagreeing.
When kids and life interrupted the plans it was a matter of doing what was best, in my mind, for our family. Staying and home and working part-time was my only option. Not just because there weren't any available positions I felt compelled to apply for but also because I wanted to be with my children while they were tiny.
The call to teaching was obvious to me until I was ready to get my name out there. After only 3 interviews in 3 years and a job offer I'd had to decline, it was unclear where God saw me.
My mentor, Leslie Briggs, illustrated God's timing clearly with her call. Now I work happily in a school that loves me and accepts me andsupports my family and me.
The "greatness" was thrust upon me in the support of my husband and family.
The call to leadership isn't what I was looking for, by any means, but when Leslie asked me if I'd considered administration I honestly hadn't nor do I have working plans to head that direction after my MAT is completed. However, the fact that she sees something in my abilities that I don't is just one more example of the greatness that is thrust upon so many of us.
Does this mean I'm lazy and unaware? No, Idon't think that's it. Does it mean that I'm so self absorbed that I don't pay attention to the needs of others in the school? Hope not!
I think greatness illustrates more than just accomplishment but also possibility and potential. It's nice to have people watching out for you! I hope I can inspire and motivate my students, children, and friends to see things in themselves they didn't before.
"I can do all things through Christ..."
My Vision:
M y
S avior's
A t
S chool
The Lord is in our school at all times. He is watching us work with a smile and he is proud of the work we are doing here! I am proud of you as well!
Mrs. Oltman
August: Know kids names
September: Know their parent's names!
Daily: Glorify God for what He's done
Weekly: Check in with teachers
Monthly: Fire & Lockdown drills
Quarterly: Update Principal's "To Do" List
Yearly: Complete end of the year forms and evaluations
I can do all things through Christ!
August: Know kids names
September: Know their parent's names!
Daily: Glorify God for what He's done
Weekly: Check in with teachers
Monthly: Fire & Lockdown drills
Quarterly: Update Principal's "To Do" List
Yearly: Complete end of the year forms and evaluations
I can do all things through Christ!
First Aid Section
Encouraging verses from the bible:
§ “These
things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you
have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John
§ God is
our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not
fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the
heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake
at its swelling pride. Selah. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is
our stronghold. Selah. Psalm 46:1-3,7
§ ‘Do not
fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I
will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My
righteous right hand.’Isaiah 41:10
§ For God
did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and
fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm
and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. 2 Tim 1:7
§ I have
set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not
be moved.Psalm 16:8 (AMP)
§ Cast
your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you;
He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip,
fall, or fail). Psalm 55:22 (AMP)
§ He only
is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be
moved.Psalm 62:6 (AMP)
§ Casting
the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your
concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and
cares about you watchfully. 1 Peter 5:7 (AMP)
§ The
Lord is good, a Strength and Stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows
(recognizes, has knowledge of, and understands) those who take refuge and trust
in Him. Nahum 1:7 (AMP)
§ “The
steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You. Isaiah
By Crys:
Over the weekend my family spent time on Hayden Lake.
For those of you who may not know, Hayden Lake is home to the beautiful, pristine Camp MiVoden.
While out on the boat with just us -- Jake, Me, our two small kids -- we rode the perimeter of the lake talking, laughing, bumping over wave after wave, and enjoying each other's company.
As we approached the face of Camp MiVoden a song I learned there came into my mind. "Don't let my love grow cold. I'm calling out: Light the fire again! Don't let my vision die! I'm calling out: Light the fire again!"
I thought about the weekend away with my family. Four small and made for each other. The sounds of my children playing resonnates well with me and helps me to refresh for the week to come. They remind me of the love God has for us as his kids and the feeling he has when he gets to spend time with us. He wants that time with us and he needs it.
"I am here to buy gold refined in the fire. Naked and poor, wretched and blind I come! Clothe me in white so I won't be ashamed! Lord, light the fire again."
What a refreshing experience God's love is. What a privilege.
Walla Walla, WA, USA
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