This is an excerpt from the Steps to Christ book we all know and love. As I listen to the words I am drawn in to the light that leads me to the feet of our Blessed Savior. The fact that our Creator wants to have a relationship with us who are mere sinners is astounding and beautiful.
The Lord gives us Peace & Hope to help us in our daily work. He sheds new light on our circumstances each day with a fresh sense of his love. It is never ending. It is surprising and delicious! He knows when to play a song or give our child an "aha" moment to confirm the love he has for us. Not only that, he gave us his son Jesus Christ who was perfect and without blame. Jesus left the heavens where the angels adored him and loved him so much and he traded it for us sinners who hated him and mocked him and spit at him! He was traded, denied, flogged, and murdered for what? What was the reason?
You. Me. Our children. All it took was one. Only one believer was necessary for him to make that choice a valid one.
Of course he chose us! He made us!
When our children look at us like we just stepped off the Titanic and we're a couple fries short of a Happy Meal may we not forget that feeling God must have for us considering our need for Christ.