Thursday, June 21, 2012


1. By the end of the 2nd Quarter I would like to see smoothly running family groups reinstated in school. This will assist in older students learning leadership abilities and younger kids with listening skills and respect. Students will treat each other with kindness. The hallways will be a place of comfort rather than fear and the classrooms warm and positive.

2. I will create a charity that will contribute a percentage to our school and a percentage to the charity of our choice. This will hopefully motivate teachers to come up with personal charities with their classes each year and perhaps benefits our school finances as well.

3. I hope to motivate students to live more health-consciously so they can enjoy their learning experiences rather than dread them. I plan to have daily morning exercise in the gym or out on the field every day before school begins. We will do warm up stretching, active song movements, cool-down, and morning announcements with healthy tips for the day. Kids will have higher energy levels and their classroom focus will be heightened.

4. I will take a great stand against bullying at school. There will be awareness created with documentary introductions, guest speakers, FiNDING KiND, and interactive bulletin boards near the school entry. Students will be able to inspire each other when bullying starts creeping in and they'll hold tools towards stopping it successfully.